Terms of Service

Selear LLC – General Terms of Service Agreement


Effective Date: [September 6th, 2023]


Please carefully read and review these Terms of Service before using Selear. By using Selear, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions of use.


  1. Limitation of Liability

   – Selear LLC, its owner, and affiliates (collectively referred to as “Selear”) are not responsible for any damage, injury, accidents, financial losses, academic misconduct, or sexual assault that may occur while using the site. By using our website and services, you acknowledge and understand that any activities or interactions are undertaken at your own risk, and you release Selear LLC from any liability for such incidents.


  1. User Responsibility

   – Users of the service are solely responsible for their decisions and actions while using Selear. Selear is not responsible for the decisions users make for themselves.


  1. Conduct and Content

   – You agree not to engage in public slander, hate speech, threats, or stalking behavior while using Selear. Failure to comply may result in the termination of your account.


  1. Verification of Identity

   – Users of Selear must verify that they are real persons and will not fake their identity.


  1. Sexual Assault

   – Sexual assault is strictly prohibited on Selear. Selear is not responsible for any incidents related to sexual assault that may occur during the use of its services.


  1. Eligibility

   – To use Selear, you must be 18 years of age or older and currently enrolled in college.


  1. Trademark

   – “Selear” is a trademark owned by Selear LLC. Unauthorized use of this trademark is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.


  1. Prohibited Activities

   – Users agree to adhere to a code of conduct that includes refraining from sexual acts, illegal substances, possession of weapons, underage alcohol purchases, theft, academic misconduct, or any other illegal activities.


  1. Suspension or Termination

   – Users acknowledge that violations of these terms may result in the suspension or termination of their account without prior notice or refund.


  1. Financial Liability and Refunds

    – Users agree to financial liability for any memberships and services purchased through the Service and acknowledge that there are no refunds for any reason.


  1. Hazing and Pranking

    – Hazing and pranking in any form are strictly prohibited on Selear.


  1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    – This agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, without regard to its conflict of law principles. Any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Delaware.


  1. Modification of Terms

    – Selear LLC reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the site. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically to stay informed of any changes.


  1. Monitoring and Payment Handling

    – Selear LLC does not monitor what happens on the site. Selear does not handle payment on the site; users agree to pay each other. Should a problem arise, users can contact customer service.


  1. Contact Information

    – If you have any questions or concerns about these terms, please contact us at [selear.co@gmail.com].


By using Selear, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these General Terms of Service. If you do not agree with any of these terms, please refrain from using Selear.